Vast Earth: Where Alien Ships Once Landed

The giant structure called Deniliquin buried beneath the state of New South Wales in southern Australia may be the remains of the largest alien “attacker” the Earth has ever suffered. In an article in The Conversation, geologist Andrew Glikson from the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University (ANU) said that the structure called Deniliquin that he and his research colleagues estimated had a diameter of up to 520 km.


This size far exceeds the Verdefort impact structure in South Africa, which holds the world record with a diameter of almost 300 km.

Deniliquin lies hidden beneath the state of New South Wales after a long period of time hidden by erosion, plate tectonics….

However, research based on magnetic models beneath the Murray Basin of New South Wales has revealed something unusual beneath, which takes the apparent form of an impact structure.


Detailed geophysical data collected between 2015 and 2020 confirmed the existence of this 520 km diameter zone, including seismic data obtained at the centre of the giant impact crater, where 30 deep deformations atop a mantle dome are present.

Magnetic field measurements also show evidence of fractures radiating from the centre of a site that has suffered a major impact. Magma injected into cracks hidden deep underground is also revealed through magnetic anomalies.

These signs are similar to those that led to the discovery of Verdefort in South Africa or the Sudbury-like structure in Canada.


Although we haven’t dug deep enough to find direct evidence, Dr. Glikson and his colleague Tony Yeaters, lead author of the paper on Deniliquin published in the journal Tectonophysics, have enough evidence to show that it must be the trail of an asteroid hitting Earth.

This alien attack occurred in the period before 3.2 billion years ago, which was the fierce “early life” period that the Earth had to go through, with continuous attacks from cosmic objects.

The Australian continent and its predecessor, the supercontinent Gondwana, also represent “favorite” lands for ancient alien attackers.


Fortunately, the evolution of the entire solar system has made it less and less violent, with fewer space objects flying freely and bombarding planets, although there are still sometimes some large enough to cause disasters – extinction, for example the giant Chicxulub caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

The exact size of what caused Deniliquin is not yet possible to calculate, but it is certainly much larger than Chicxulub, which left a “landing zone” more than 180 kilometers wide extending from the mainland of the Yucatan Peninsula to part of the continental shelf.

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