Mysterious object changes shape at high altitude in the sky over Mexico City

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Oh wow, that’s amazing! I don’t care at all if it’s alien or man-made because it’s exciting either way.

If it is man-made, then it is only a matter of time before this kind of technology is available to everyone. But on the other hand, if it is of extraterrestrial origin, then it goes without saying what implications it will have for humanity, once it is captured and shredded. So yeah, I’m fine either way, whichever way the chip lands, it’s going to be awesome!

This UFO over Mexico City in 2005 is changing shape in the blink of an eye, left, right, and center. I mean, what does that mean in the sky today and like it’s nothing? It’s changed shape numerous times before our eyes and without losing its speed or height and that just can’t happen in our reality, right? Is this a real phenomenon of some sort that’s unfolding before our eyes? Because before you start thinking “a phenomenon,” I’ll tell you to remember the UAP videos released by the U.S. government.

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Unidentified aerial phenomena!

So what do we know for sure about aerial phenomena? First of all, it is 100 percent real and instead of anyone rolling their eyes, they should now include the word phenomenon in any ufology research, because it is real.

The Pentagon UFO videos are selected visual recordings of United States Navy fighter aircraft cockpit instrumentation displays based aboard the aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2004, 2014, and 2015, with additional footage taken by other Navy personnel in 2019. The four grainy, monochrome videos, widely characterized as official UFO documents, have received extensive media coverage since 2017.


And that guy’s one, is that a paragraph I never thought I’d love to see?

UFO revelation.

Aerial phenomena relate to unimaginable speeds, unimaginable maneuvers, incomprehensible craft creating thrust and executing G-forces, flying against the wind while Navy Jets race! In fact, it would separate humans from light in less than a second if humans alone experienced the same G-forces!

Also, there is this little thing called “infrared” and we now also know that yes, there are absolutely (unconventional) craft, but craft that are certainly lurking in this part of the spectrum! If you were to look up now, there could be a craft right there and you wouldn’t be able to see it.

An epic UFO sighting, first and foremost because it changed shape several times and I can see it from the beginning of the video to the end. I don’t know what the hell is going on here because, as I said, I’ve never encountered this type of UFO sighting before.

It does, I just watched it again “all 47 seconds of the video” and it seems to change at least 3 times. What the heck is it? It even looks like it sprouts wings like the “variable sweep wing jet” or “swept wing” which is an Air Force jet, but at first it looks like a sci-fi alien pod from the movie Alien or cocoon! It then drastically changed its shape to that of a swept wing plane, and almost some sort of Chinese letter?

The silhouette of this UFO looks like a capital letter from the Chinese symbol writing system. It looks like the Chinese word for water Seriously, I just looked it up to see which letter in the Chinese writing system it most resembles and “wallah,” there you go!

It’s actually a whole word and not just one letter, as it’s the word for “water” and that’s kind of weird, don’t you think?

I’m going to search Google Lens for the screenshot of the UFO and see what search results come up. Google Lens is brilliant at identifying the UFO or where else it’s been. If someone else caught it on camera and posted it online, we can definitely find it! It’s an invaluable new tool.

Google Lens came up with HuffPost and an image of the Black Knight satellite UFO in our atmosphere, which is news to me because I know it’s in orbit and not in our atmosphere at all. A bunch of UFO sightings came up as well, but nothing matched this…

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